Mental Health Leaders network, October 2024

Date: 11 October 2024

Time: 14:30

Venue: Virtual event via MS Teams

Book now

The next meeting of the Mental Health Leaders network will take place virtually via MS Teams on Friday 11 October from 14:30 - 16.30.

The agenda for this event is still in development, however we already have the following sessions confirmed:

Why attend?

  • share ideas and exchange information
  • hear presentations from peers and external bodies
  • participate in panel discussions and roundtable sessions
  • have open and honest discussions with peers (i.e. Chatham House Rule applies)

Who is it for?

Please note that this event is for NHS Providers members only.

Chairs and chief executives of member foundation trusts or trusts providing mental health services. Interim, acting, assistant, deputy directors or NEDs are also welcome to attend. This event is open to any board director from a mental health trust. Please do share this invitation with colleagues interested in attending.

How do I book?

Attendance is free for all members but you will need to book in advance to receive joining instructions for the sessions. If bookings are open, please book using the link above. If you have any questions or would like to be added to the mailing list please contact the networks team.