A guide to good governance in the NHS

Corporate governance is about leadership and is the system by which all board-led organisations are directed and controlled. It is the business of the board of directors, and is separate from the day-to-day operational management carried out by executives and the management structure they head.

Corporate governance is 'what the board does' – it is the business of all members of a unitary board – every director, executive and non-executive alike.

The key to a successful board is good governance: delivering effective strategies, ethical leadership, meaningful challenge and real accountability. In the NHS, high quality services cannot be delivered without earning and retaining the trust of the public, and it is good governance that establishes the principles on which trust is built.

This Guide to Good Governance in the NHS contains chapters exploring key issues for governance professionals and board members that will grow and develop over time. The Compendium of resources contains templates and advice relating to corporate governance.

Contact us:

If you have any questions about corporate governance, or would like to speak with our team further about any of the resources here, contact izzy.allen@nhsproviders.org.
