
As the collective voice for the provider sector, we provide high-quality analysis and commentary in our reports and continue to address the key issues facing the health service. 

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15 Jul 2024

Forgotten generation: shaping better services for children and young people

The report, based based on our survey of trust leaders during April and May 2024, explores the issues in providing children and young people's services, and how trusts are working to address them.

26 Jun 2024

Provider collaboratives building capacity: elective hubs

This report highlights the role provider collaboration is playing in building capacity through the development of elective hubs.

19 Jun 2024

Providers Deliver: achieving value for money

The latest edition of our Providers Deliver series focuses on the topic of productivity, highlighting how trusts are making gains in a challenging environment, while focusing on quality and safety.

21 May 2024

United against health inequalities: Moving in the right direction

This report shares the results of our recent member survey, providing an update on the progress members have made in tackling health inequalities in the past three years.

30 Apr 2024

Co-production and engagement with communities as a solution to reducing health inequalities

This report outlines the principles and benefits of co-production, exploring the actions trusts can take to put this into practice.

26 Mar 2024

Providing for our members 2024-25

This document provides a summary of our work for our members and sets out our priorities for the coming year.

26 Mar 2024

Reducing health inequalities: A guide for NHS trust board members

As healthcare providers navigate the complexities of delivering equitable care, this guide can serve as a roadmap, enabling them to champion health equity and create positive change.

21 Mar 2024

Good quality regulation: How CQC can support trusts to deliver and improve

This report outlines key areas for improvement to enhance support and constructive engagement between CQC and trusts.

15 Mar 2024

A vision for the NHS ambulance sector

We have launched a new report in collaboration with NHS Confederation and Association of Ambulance Chief Executives which sets out the long term vision for the NHS ambulance sector.

12 Mar 2024

Community Network: Supporting people living with frailty

The Community Network has published a briefing which highlights the benefits of supporting people with frailty in the community at every stage of the frailty care pathway.

06 Mar 2024

The state of NHS communications

This report, produced by NHS Providers, the NHS Confederation and the Centre for Health Communications Research explores the key challenges facing the NHS communications profession.

Case study
29 Feb 2024

Case study: North London Forensic Collaborative

A deep dive case study looking at North London Forensic Collaborative.

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