Opinion, comment and expertise from NHS Providers experts, leaders, members and stakeholders on key issues in the NHS today. New ideas and trusted experience from our leading thinkers and experts in NHS policy and leadership.
In support of World Suicide Prevention day, Ella Fuller shares why England’s suicide prevention strategy still needs to be backed by sufficient resources.
Ivan Annibal, director of operations at the National Centre for Rural Health and Care, discusses the ways that trusts can tackle challenges and inequalities in rural areas.
NHS Providers chief executive, Sir Julian Hartley visits Midlands Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust
In this blog, former chair of North Bristol Trust, Michele Romaine, reflects on the promise of continuous improvement as a potential way to unlock productivity.
Naomi Gornall, external affairs manager at Doctors in Distress, explores how the mental health and wellbeing of NHS staff can be supported.
NHS Providers chief executive, Sir Julian Hartley visits Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust
This blog looks at the research undertaken by Ways to Wellness into the benefits of social prescribing on secondary care.
NHS Providers chief executive, Sir Julian Hartley visits North London Mental Health Partnership
NHS Providers deputy chief executive, Saffron Cordery visits Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust.
Sarah Walter, director of NHS Confederation’s ICS Network shares three key questions that can help integrated care systems see more efficiencies around their digital work.
Vanessa McClenaghan, head of communications, marketing and events at NHS South, Central and West, reflects on the key discussions following our recent Quality and Improvement conference.
NHS Providers chief executive, Sir Julian Hartley visits Cambridgeshire Community Services NHS Trust.