Mental health

National commitments to transform and improve mental health care are welcome but extra funding needs to get through to the frontline and workforce gaps addressed in order for services to meet rapidly growing demand and transform for the future.

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24 Jul 2024

Make children’s mental health a priority, tackle poverty

Saffron Cordery responds to a call by charities for government action to tackle poverty and boost children’s mental health.

17 Jul 2024

Mental health action in King’s Speech welcome

Sir Julian Hartley responds to proposed government measures outlined in the King's Speech.

03 Jul 2024

The next government must tackle our mental healthcare deficit

Sir Julian Hartley discusses the vital need for the next government to address the nation's mental health care deficit ahead of the general election.

Julian HartleyJulian Hartley
10 Jun 2024

Response to Liberal Democrats general election manifesto

Sir Julian Hartley responds to today's Liberal Democrats general election manifesto.

20 May 2024

NHS trusts making strides on integrating physical and mental health care

In support of Mental Health Awareness Week, Emily Gibbons shares how NHS trusts are making strides on integrating physical and mental health care.

Emily GibbonsEmily Gibbons
02 May 2024

National support vital to help new mums' mental health

Saffron Cordery responds to NHS England figures showing more than 57,000 new and expectant mums received specialist support for mental health problems over the last year.

19 Apr 2024

Next day briefing: CQC community mental health survey

This briefing summaries the key findings from the CQC survey, areas identified by CQC for improvement, and sets out NHS Providers' view

18 Apr 2024

Community mental health services need support to meet demand

Sir Julian Hartley responds to a Care Quality Commission survey which says people using community mental health services have poor experiences.

12 Apr 2024

Funding cut to NHS staff mental health support services 'deeply concerning'

Saffron Cordery responds to NHS Practitioner Health pulling funding to support staff mental health.

04 Apr 2024

Urgent action needed to tackle growing waits for ADHD and autism services

Sir Julian Hartley responds to a new Nuffield Trust report on autism and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) waiting times.

21 Mar 2024

Government commitments welcome but sustained support still needed

Saffron Cordery comments on today's Department of Health and Social Care response to the rapid review into data on mental health inpatient settings.

14 Mar 2024

Far too many children waiting far too long for vital mental health services

Saffron Cordery responds to a new report from the Children's Commissioner for England regarding Children and Young People's Mental Health Services in England in 2022-23.

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