Virginia Mason Institute has partnered with the NHS for over 14 years, having established an international reputation for building safe, high quality, sustainable healthcare organisations that deliver continuous improvement. Their experts work with executive teams in a variety of ways whether to develop organisational goal alignment and focus, leadership effectiveness, improving quality and safety of care, or accelerated approaches for solving some of the most challenging issues in healthcare today including reducing staff burnout and increasing resilience, eliminating backlogs and building capacity, systematizing health equity, and improving virtual care.
An ever-changing complex environment like 21st century healthcare needs new management and leadership approaches like our ‘World-Class Management’ and ‘Authentic Leadership’ programmes that leverage proven approaches to engage staff, deliver everyday improvement, and build a nimble, flexible workforce.
Virginia Mason Institute specialise in helping organisations establish a new or existing single improvement methodology - a management system they can proudly call their own that engages and empowers people at all levels to deliver the best care to their communities. By helping organisations build internal capability and capacity with new tools and innovations and coaching the board to the ward, they excel at building cultures that enable real change, accountability, and self-sufficiency.
Wendy Korthuis-Smith, executive director at Virginia Mason Institute, shares how NHS leaders can unlearn and reframe four outdated lessons to achieve lasting and continuous improvement.
Read the 'Leadership "Unlearning": A new requirement for healthcare transformation' blog here.