Integrated care and system working

Provider boards are invested in greater collaboration and better integration, understanding that collaboration between system partners can help address immediate pressures and deliver longer term improvements. The Health and Care Act, which became law in 2022, provides the legal basis for collaboration between NHS bodies and to facilitate integration, cementing a wider shift towards collaboration and integration.

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22 Jul 2024

How integrated care systems can make the most of their digital strategy

Sarah Walter, director of NHS Confederation’s ICS Network shares three key questions that can help integrated care systems see more efficiencies around their digital work.

Sarah WalterSarah Walter
09 Jul 2024

System working in the NHS: How trusts work in partnership to improve care and outcomes for people

This resource looks at the role of system working in the NHS and how trusts can work in partnerships to improve outcomes.

26 Jun 2024

Provider collaboratives building capacity: elective hubs

This report highlights the role provider collaboration is playing in building capacity through the development of elective hubs.

27 Apr 2024

NHS trusts leading the way in governing place based partnerships

Joshua Edwards shares the importance of place based partnerships and highlights three that are leading the way.

Joshua EdwardsJoshua Edwards
29 Jan 2024

Local innovation and place priorities: how trusts are working with their partners to support people in their communities

Joshua Edwards looks at where important progress has been made on Professor Claire Fuller's ambitions for system working, and how trusts are supporting people in their communities.

Joshua EdwardsJoshua Edwards
08 Jan 2024

Making the most of the opportunities system working offers

Sara Gariban examines our recent survey findings on the progress of system working and reflects on what's needed to make the most of the opportunities system working offers.

Sara GaribanSara Gariban
14 Dec 2023

What does integrated care look like to patients?

Louise Ansari, chief executive of Healthwatch England, explains the findings of a recent review into patients perspective of integrated care.

Louise AnsariLouise Ansari
20 Nov 2023

At scale provision is beginning to change the face of primary care

Zara Azam shares how working at scale can enable leading primary care providers to help systems tackle inequalities, meet demand and build resilience.

Zara AzamZara Azam
13 Nov 2023

Provider Collaboration: A practical guide to lawful, well-governed collaboratives

A practical guide setting out the legal framework and other good governance considerations for collaboration.

20 Oct 2023

The contribution of at scale primary care to system working

We have published a case study report which highlights how primary care at scale can benefit organisations and contribute to wider system aims.

08 Sep 2023

Community Network: Delivering more joined-up care for local communities

This new briefing by the Community Network explores how community providers are working with local primary care partners to deliver more joined-up care for local communities.

30 Jun 2023

Year one of integrated care systems has been tough – here's what they need in year two

To mark the one-year anniversary of integrated care systems, Sir Julian Hartley discusses the challenges, progress and next steps needed to meet the long-term ambitions of systems in the coming years.

Julian HartleyJulian Hartley
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