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26 Jul 2024

On the day briefing: Review into the operational effectiveness of the Care Quality Commission

This On the day briefing sets out an overview of Dr Dash’s interim findings into the operational effectiveness of the Care Quality Commission.

11 Jul 2024

NHS secondary care: an overview

This explainer details the size and structure of NHS trusts and foundation trusts, their performance and activity, and how they are perceived by the public and their regulators.

11 Jul 2024

Uphill struggle to get NHS back on track

Sir Julian Hartley responds to the latest performance statistics from NHS England and the announcement by Wes Streeting to launch an independent investigation into the state of the NHS.

01 Jul 2024

NHS trusts are committed to productivity, but the government needs to step up too

Sir Julian Hartley explains that NHS trusts are making productivity gains despite huge pressure and urges the next government to end the funding brinkmanship providers have endured for years.

Julian HartleyJulian Hartley
19 Jun 2024

Improving NHS quality and value - Providers deliver productivity

Sir Julian Hartley comments on NHS Providers' new report 'Providers Deliver: achieving value for money'.

13 Jun 2024

Uphill battle to get NHS performance back on track

Saffron Cordery responds to the latest monthly performance figures from NHS England.

13 Jun 2024

Cancer a top priority for trusts

Saffron Cordery responds to new reports from Cancer Research UK and the Royal College of Radiologists.

11 Jun 2024

NHS Providers responds to the Conservative Party manifesto

Sir Julian Hartley responds to the Conservative Party manifesto.

10 Jun 2024

Response to Liberal Democrats general election manifesto

Sir Julian Hartley responds to today's Liberal Democrats general election manifesto.

03 Jun 2024

Next government must tackle root causes of hospital overcrowding

Saffron Cordery responds to a new report from the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) on clinical care in inappropriate areas, including corridors, car parks and store cupboards.

28 May 2024

NHS Providers responds to Labour pledge to cut NHS waiting list

Saffron Cordery responds to the Labour Party's pledge to clear the NHS waiting list backlog over the next five years if they win the general election.

17 May 2024

Trust leaders face uphill battle to restore public satisfaction in the NHS

Sir Julian Hartley responds to a new report today from the Health Foundation and Ipsos on what the public thinks about the NHS in England.

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