Press office

Who we are

NHS Providers is the membership organisation for NHS hospital, mental health, community and ambulance services that treat patients and service users in the NHS. We help NHS foundation trusts and trusts deliver high-quality, patient-focused care by enabling them to learn from each other, acting as their public voice and helping shape the system in which they operate.
NHS Providers has all trusts in England in voluntary membership. We're a charity, funded by members to represent the views of trust leadership teams and speak on their behalf. The public comments we make always reflect the views and experience of frontline trust leaders.

We also promote and share good practice and are a central repository for sharing the approaches trusts develop to tackle the unprecedented challenges the NHS faces.

Who we aren't

We're not part of the government or any of the NHS arms-length bodies such as NHS England, although we maintain close contact and dialogue with key partners at these organisations in order to influence and shape the environment in which our members operate.

We're not involved in organising, coordinating or setting policy for any operational aspects or activities of the NHS. We don't represent primary care, social care, independent healthcare providers or frontline NHS staff and can't speak on their behalf. We will comment on issues involving them from the perspective of trust leaders.

We aren't medically trained and don't have clinical expertise, so while some of the issues we comment on involve clinical issues, we do so from a non-clinical perspective.

What you can expect from us

We're in constant dialogue with trust chairs and chief executives, allowing us to speak with unrivalled authority and credibility on issues affecting trust leadership teams.

We don't comment on what's happening in individual trusts. We offer a national-level, sector-wide picture. We provide context and explanation – e.g. we can explain what declaring a critical incident means and why a trust might call one, but would not comment on why a specific trust has done so at a particular time. 

Our close engagement with the government and central NHS leadership, combined with our in-house policy expertise, means we can offer authoritative commentary in support of an informed and constructive debate on the NHS and our wider health and care system.

Our details 

If you have a media enquiry please email

Or talk to one of our press office team:

Susan Bahl
Head of Media
07842 405135

Kevan McClair
Senior Media and Communications Officer
07926 987308

Adam Brimelow
Director of Communications
07802 752308

Juliet Conway
Media Relations Manager
07715 077141

On-call rota

The easiest way to reach the on-duty contact is via

6/7 – Kevan
13/14 – Adam
20/21 – Juliet
27/28 – Kevan