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22 Jul 2024

How integrated care systems can make the most of their digital strategy

Sarah Walter, director of NHS Confederation’s ICS Network shares three key questions that can help integrated care systems see more efficiencies around their digital work.

Sarah WalterSarah Walter
21 Mar 2024

Government commitments welcome but sustained support still needed

Saffron Cordery comments on today's Department of Health and Social Care response to the rapid review into data on mental health inpatient settings.

14 Mar 2024

NHS Providers responds to plans to expand AI to tackle missed appointments

Saffron Cordery responds to news that the NHS plans to roll out artificial intelligence (AI) to 10 more trusts to tackle missed appointments and reduce waiting lists.

19 Feb 2024

How collaboration holds the key to digital improvement

Sir Julian Hartley discusses how collaboration between NHS providers is key to digital transformation.

Julian HartleyJulian Hartley
05 Feb 2024

NHS Providers response to the Times Health Commission report

Sir Julian Hartley responds to the Times Health Commission report.

30 Jan 2024

Trusts welcome Labour plan to boost life-saving NHS research and innovation

Ferelith Gaze responds to a Labour Party plan to boost 'life sciences' research and development.

30 Oct 2023

AI has potential to offer major benefits to patients, but investment in NHS IT also critical

Sir Julian Hartley responds to an announcement that £21m is being allocated to 64 NHS trusts to roll out artificial intelligence (AI) tools to speed up the diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer.

23 Oct 2023

How can we create a more sustainable NHS with cost-effective, proven and clinically led EPRs?

Rachael Fox, executive vice president at Altera Digital Health, discusses the ways in which we can create a more sustainable NHS with proven and clinically led electronic patient records (EPRs).

Rachael FoxRachael Fox
17 Oct 2023

Framework for action on digital inclusion

Rachael McKeown discusses the latest NHS England digital inclusion framework and shares how trusts can embed the guidance in their day to day practices to tackle health inequalities.

Rachael McKeownRachael McKeown
25 Aug 2023

How to manage population health across an integrated care system

Professor Claire Fuller, chief executive at Surrey Heartlands ICS, discusses her system's progress managing local population health, with three key approaches.

Claire FullerClaire Fuller
01 Aug 2023

Developing a digital blueprint for success

Adam Wright and Rezina Hakim, senior policy adviser at NHS Confederation, discuss the challenges integrated care leaders face in bringing about digital changes, and their keenness to progress.

07 Jun 2023

NHS trust boards are shifting the dial on digital

NHS England system chief information officer Sonia Patel, and head of digital academy for health and care James Freed share the journey, progress and learnings from our Digital Boards programme.

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