All our latest news, leading thoughts, expert opinions and practical knowledge on what NHS Providers is saying and doing to voice its members views and expertise. Keep an eye on these pages for the latest press releases, publications and announcements.
NHS Providers chief executive Sir Julian Hartley responds to a speech by the Prime Minister on the Darzi review and the latest NHS performance statistics.
The Taskforce for Diversity in Communications, meet for the first time to begin work to increase diversity among NHS communicators.
Sir Julian Hartley responds to a report on the NHS in England by Lord Darzi.
NHS Providers chief executive Sir Julian Hartley responds to our new survey findings on NHS finances.
NHS Providers chief executive Sir Julian Hartley responds to new research which shows surgical hubs could speed up efforts to tackle hospital waiting lists.
NHS Providers chief executive Sir Julian Hartley responds to a new Health Services Safety Investigation Body report on discrimination against NHS temporary staff.
NHS Providers deputy chief executive Saffron Cordery responds to new plans by NHS 111 to offer crisis mental health support for the first time.
NHS Providers chief executive, Sir Julian Hartley responds to the latest annual survey of hospital inpatients by Care Quality Commission
NHS Providers deputy chief executive Saffron Cordery responds to new Ipsos polling on public satisfaction with the NHS
Saffron Cordery responds to the latest performance figures published by NHS England
NHS Providers publishes the findings of its latest annual regulation and oversight survey
Saffron Cordery responds to the General Medical Council's annual report into the workplace experiences of doctors.