
The Digital ICS support offer provides resources to help ICS leaders seize the digital opportunity and deliver their system ambitions. Our blogs, case studies, video clips and podcasts are designed to share learning and emerging good practice among ICS leaders, as well as lessons on how other sectors have approached good digital leadership.

Insights briefings

Our quarterly insights briefings share learning and emerging good practice from across the sector. 

Insights briefing: Keeping your integrated care system safer from cyber attacks, July 2024

Our quarterly insights briefings share learning and emerging good practice from across the sector.

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Insights briefing: Developing a useful ICS digital strategy, March 2024

Our quarterly insights briefings share learning and emerging good practice from across the sector. 

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Insights briefing: Five traits of effective ICS digital leadership, January 2024

Our quarterly insights briefings share learning and emerging good practice from across the sector.


Read here.

Insights briefing: Breaking down the system digital transformation challenge, September 2023

Our quarterly insights briefings share learning and emerging good practice from across the sector. 

Read here.

Insights briefing: Creating the right conditions for success, June 2023

Our quarterly insights briefings share learning and emerging good practice from across the sector. 

Read here.

Insights briefing: From competition to collaboration – the power of digital as a lever, April 2023

Our quarterly insights briefings share learning and emerging good practice from across the sector. 

Read here.

Insights briefing: Supporting ICS leaders to harness the potential of the digital agenda, December 2022

Our quarterly insights briefings share learning and emerging good practice from across the sector. 

Read here.

Podcasts, videos and blogs

Video: Programme Launch – Matthew Taylor on the Digital ICS support offer

Matthew Taylor, chief executive of NHS Confederation discusses our free support offer for integrated care boards (ICBs) and integrated care system (ICS) leaders at the launch of our Digital ICS programme.

Watch here.

Blog: Harnessing digital to deliver system ambitions

Blog by Saffron Cordery, and NHS Confederation chief executive Matthew Taylor, exploring why embracing digital technology will be fundamental in ensuring ICBs achieve their core purposes.

Read here.

Podcast: The digital transformation gambit: simpler, faster, safer services?

Public Digital partner Tom Loosemore and director of transformation and chief digital information officer at NHS Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Integrated Care Board Deborah El-Sayed join Matthew Taylor in this Health on the Line podcast episode to discuss how integrated care boards can capitalise on the digital revolution. 
Listen here. 

Blog: Developing a digital blueprint for success

Rezina Hakim, senior policy advisor at NHS Confederation, reflects on one year of delivering the Digital ICS programme.

Read here.

Video: Using digital to deliver population health management

Learn how Surrey Heartlands ICB is using digital tools and population health analytics to improve health and care outcomes.

Hear from: Claire Fuller, chief executive of Surrey heartlands ICB, James Palmer, population health programme lead at Surrey Heartlands ICS, Lynette Nusbacher, non executive director of Surrey Heartlands ICB and Prof. Edward Kunonga, director of population health management at NHS North East and North Cumbria  

Watch here.

Podcast: Alleviating winter pressures: how digital is supporting NHS Gloucestershire system flow

This podcast highlights an inspirational example of how one ICS uses digital ways of working and data to improve patient flow and alleviate winter pressures.

Listen here.

Blog: Delivering digital transformation across the North West London Acute Provider Collaborative

Mathew Swindells, joint chair of the four acute trusts across the North West London Acute Provider Collaborative shares reflections on the collaborative's digital successes and the underlying principles that have enabled this success.

Read here.

Blog: How to manage population health across an integrated care system

Prof. Claire Fuller, chief executive of the Surrey Heartlands Integrated Care System, discusses her system's progress managing local population health and shares advice for others on the same journey.

Read here.

Press release: Harnessing the power of digital to transform health and care

Saffron Cordery comments on NHS Providers' latest member support programme 'Digital ICS', delivered by NHS Providers in collaboration with Public Digital and NHS Confederation, and supported by NHS England as a part of their NHS Digital Academy.

Read here.

Blog: Reflections on the digital journey across Frimley ICS

Sam Burrows, chief transformation and digital officer at Frimley ICS, reflects on the systems digital transformation journey and the strong role partnerships have played in their digital achievements.

Read here.

Video: The importance of Digital as a priority for system leaders

Saffron Cordery, deputy chief executive of NHS Providers discusses the importance of viewing digital transformation as a key strategic priority. 

Watch here.

Policy briefings

On the day briefing: The government’s response to the Health and Social Care Committee inquiry and Hewitt Review into ICSs 

The Department of Health and Social Care has published its response to the Rt Hon Patricia Hewitt’s review into integrated care systems (ICSs), alongside their response to the Health and Social Care Select Committee inquiry 'Integrated care systems: autonomy and accountability'. 

The government’s response sets out its commitment to helping ICSs develop, to streamlining the number of national level targets and to reviewing the NHS capital regime, and covers a number of themes including data and digital.

This briefing summarises the response and sets out NHS Providers' view. 

Read here 

On the day briefing: What good looks like framework and funding digital programmes

This briefing summarises the framework and associated Who pays for what guidance, followed by a discussion of the implications for trust leaders.

Read here.

On the day briefing: The Hewitt review

The Hewitt review was commissioned by the chancellor, Rt Hon Jeremy Hunt, in November 2022 to look at the role and powers of ICSs.

NHS Providers has contributed throughout the Hewitt review including: a submission during the formal call for evidence, discussion sessions with workstream leads, several meetings with Patricia Hewitt, a digital and data stream roundtable and written feedback on various drafts of the report. Members’ views were sought throughout and we are grateful to all who contributed their perspectives either through NHS Providers or directly to the review team. 

This briefing gives a summary of the review and NHS Providers' view. 

Read here.