Provider collaboratives: Improving equitably - Connecting strategic decisions to collaborative and equitable improvement work in practice, June 2024

Date: 06 June 2024

Time: 14:30

Venue: Zoom

This event has already taken place.


Please join us for a virtual peer learning session on Thursday 6 June 14:30 pm - 16:00 pm. 


We know that the largest and most sustained benefits of improvement come when a strategic, systemic approach is taken. This is challenging to embed within an organisation, but how does the challenge differ when aligning people behind a shared strategy for improvement through a provider collaborative? Evidence shows good staff engagement can make all the difference but what are the additional opportunities and challenges in engaging staff based at multiple organisations around shared common objectives? How do you align everyone on a shared understanding of the importance of an equity lens in this work? What does a good governance and learning structure look like?

Join this peer learning session to hear from those with expertise and experience to share, and who are currently exploring this challenge. Speakers include:

This work is at an early stage in provider collaboratives and at this event we will focus on bringing people together to reflect on the role of senior leaders in applying learning from what is working elsewhere. 

This event is relevant to all board members with a role to play in enabling and championing large scale improvement and executive board-level leads for tackling health inequalities, as well as collaborative directors, clinical leaders and senior improvers.

How do I book?

This event is for all members and attendance at this event is free; please book using the link at the top of the page. Further details, including the agenda and joining instructions for the session, will be circulated in due course.

If you have any questions about this event, please contact the Improvement team.