Resource library

Our resources support members through the unprecedented financial, structural and reputational challenges they currently face. As part of our work to make sense of and influence the health policy environment, we produce regular reports and briefings for members, as well as wider health organisations and stakeholders. 

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26 Jul 2024

On the day briefing: Review into the operational effectiveness of the Care Quality Commission

This On the day briefing sets out an overview of Dr Dash’s interim findings into the operational effectiveness of the Care Quality Commission.

26 Jul 2024

Summary of board meeting: Care Quality Commission - July 2024

This briefing provides a summary note of the Care Quality Commission's board meeting that was held on 24 July.

19 Jul 2024

On the day briefing: UK Covid-19 public inquiry module 1 report

This briefing summarises the key findings and recommendations made by the Inquiry.

17 Jul 2024

On the day briefing: King's Speech 2024

This briefing contains an overview of the King's Speech and key announcements relevant to health and social care.

15 Jul 2024

Forgotten generation: shaping better services for children and young people

The report, based based on our survey of trust leaders during April and May 2024, explores the issues in providing children and young people's services, and how trusts are working to address them.

12 Jul 2024

General election 2024: Cabinet and ministerial appointments

This briefing provides an overview of recent Cabinet and ministerial appointments following the general election.

11 Jul 2024

NHS secondary care: an overview

This explainer details the size and structure of NHS trusts and foundation trusts, their performance and activity, and how they are perceived by the public and their regulators.

10 Jul 2024

Digital ICS briefing: Keeping your integrated care system safer from cyber attacks

In the latest insights briefing from our Digital ICS programme, we share five top tips and pose a series of questions to help ICS leaders ensure they are prepared and able to respond to cyber threats.

09 Jul 2024

NHS Providers briefing on NHS pay

This briefing outlines the importance of prioritising the announcement of the 2024/25 pay award for NHS staff and explains the pay review process in England.

09 Jul 2024

System working in the NHS: How trusts work in partnership to improve care and outcomes for people

This resource looks at the role of system working in the NHS and how trusts can work in partnerships to improve outcomes.

05 Jul 2024

Congratulations letter to the new Secretary of State for Health and Social Care

NHS Providers writes to the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care Wes Streeting to congratulate him.

04 Jul 2024

Making sense of health inequalities

This resource looks at the current state of the nation in relation to health inequalities and the role that NHS trusts must play in addressing them.

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