UK Covid-19 Inquiry public hearings: module 2, week 1 (03 - 06 October 2023)

The public hearings for module 2 of the UK Covid-19 Inquiry (the Inquiry) began on 3 October 2023 and will conclude on 14 December 2023

This week the Inquiry heard from core participants (CPs) and witnesses including Professor Philip Banfield, British Medical Association (BMA), and Kate Bell, Trade Unions Congress (TUC), and members of the four national bereaved families groups. The Inquiry heard evidence on: health inequalities and structural discrimination, the use of the NHS Covid-19 decision support tool, community testing, personal protective equipment (PPE), and the reliance on behavioural science.

This briefing summarises the proceedings most relevant to NHS trusts, and is the first in the series of weekly briefings on the Inquiry’s public hearings on module 2.

You can see our earlier briefings on the preliminary hearings, weekly briefings on the hearings, and a set of frequently asked questions on rule 9 requests we prepared with our legal partners, on our website.
