Welcome fall in ambulance handover delays but winter pressures on NHS persist

18 January 2024

Responding to the latest winter figures from NHS England, the chief executive of NHS Providers, Sir Julian Hartley said:

"Winter pressures on the NHS show no sign of easing with a major spike in the number of ambulances arriving at hospitals this week underlining just how high demand is on the service right now.

"Despite this increase at the NHS' front door, the fall in ambulance handover delays this week is a positive development.

"Hard-won progress in cutting handover delays is testament to the efforts of hospital and ambulance crews as they work together to get more ambulances back on the road to help the sickest patients.

"However, the severe cold snap and winter bugs, including norovirus and Covid-19, continue to take their toll, piling the pressure on hospital beds and services across the NHS.

"Ongoing issues with delayed discharges and worrying levels of staff absences are making a tough situation tougher as trusts strive to get services back on track in the aftermath of the longest ever strike by junior doctors.

"In the face of these challenges, trust leaders and their teams are doing everything they can to treat patients as quickly and as safely as possible."

You can follow our analysis of the latest winter situation report figures from NHS England through our NHS Winter Watch campaign.