Strikes, staff shortages and seasonal bugs pile pressure on the NHS

11 January 2024

Responding to the latest data on NHS performance and the winter sit-reps, Sir Julian Hartley, chief executive at NHS Providers said:

"Trusts are starting the New Year grappling with significant winter pressures across urgent and emergency care.

"Demand is high, with more hospital beds being taken up by patients with flu, norovirus and Covid-19.

"Although progress on key recovery targets across urgent and emergency care has slipped, NHS leaders still aim to meet these by the end of March.

"And despite rising demand for emergency care, trusts have managed to reduce handover delays.

"They have also reduced the waiting list for elective care – testament to their continuous hard work and innovation.

"But these new figures paint a worrying picture for mental health and community services, which still have long waits.

"The impact of 120,00-plus workforce shortages and rising staff absences across the NHS, as well as the ongoing strikes, are making a tough time of year even tougher.

"Better funding for services and an urgent resolution to industrial action are vital to ensure the NHS can get through this winter and beyond."

You can follow our analysis of the latest winter situation report figures from NHS England through our NHS Winter Watch campaign.