Vaccine is very welcome, but we have to continue to be vigilant

09 November 2020


Responding to the news, NHS Providers chief executive Chris Hopson said:

"We welcome the news about the Pfizer vaccine being potentially available by the end of the year.

"An effective vaccine is a key weapon in the fight against COVID-19 and the news will be welcomed by our members providing frontline NHS care.

"But, there is no clear timeframe on when it will be made available and there will initially be enough doses for around a third of the population. Although this will mean that those people in the highest priority and highest risk groups will have access to the vaccine, we will have to remain vigilant for some time to come.

"We have to continue to follow the rules and wash our hands regularly, follow social distancing guidelines and wear a face covering when required.

"As we’ve seen with NHS Test and Trace, we must also fully recognise the logistical challenges of delivering a brand new, universal, public service at pace. Actually administering the vaccine to the right patients, at the right time, on this scale, will be an enormous challenge."