Trusts must work with partners to understand reasons behind rising readmissions

14 November 2018

The director of policy and strategy at NHS Providers, Miriam Deakin said:

“The findings from Healthwatch England are significant. It is a concern that readmissions are rising so quickly and for the second year in a row. Hospital readmissions which can be avoided are both disruptive and distressing for patients and put additional strain on services.

The report is right to highlight that colleagues in trusts and social care have worked really hard to ensure patients can return home promptly after treatment without compromising safety.


“Although this data does show a rise in readmissions, these figures do not indicate how many of these cases were inappropriate, and as Healthwatch England says not every readmission can and should be avoided.  The report is right to highlight that colleagues in trusts and social care have worked really hard to ensure patients can return home promptly after treatment without compromising safety.

“Trusts will continue to work with partners in primary and social care to understand the reasons behind and reduce the risk of readmissions where they can. Some of these cases will reflect the growing complexity that patients now present with.”