Strikes add to pressure as NHS feels the winter heat

21 December 2023

Latest NHS England figures show:

Saffron Cordery, deputy chief executive, NHS Providers, said:

"The figures tell the story of a hard-working NHS in the grip of winter and up against it as bugs and illnesses including flu drive up the number of people needing care. And Covid-19 hasn't gone away.

"A three-day strike by junior doctors across England this week – with the longest-ever walkout planned for early January – is ramping up already significant pressure on health services and will mean many more patients' scheduled treatments and appointments are delayed. 

"There's pressure right through the system. From chock-a-block hospital wards to a rising number of staff off work sick on top of more than 121,000 vacancies across England in hospital, ambulance, mental health and community trusts – at a time when many staff are off on planned leave.

"Trusts are doing all they can to ensure patients receive the care they need as quickly as possible, working hard to reduce handover delays when people arrive at hospital in ambulances and to enable patients to get home to be with or close to their loved ones as soon as they're well enough to do so.

"Safety and quality of care remain the priority for all trust leaders. We urge the government and unions to get back round the negotiating table now to hammer out a deal that will end the junior doctors' strikes and take the extra strain off staff, services and patients."

You can follow our analysis of the latest winter situation report figures from NHS England through our NHS Winter Watch campaign.