No room for complacency as strikes threaten progress on backlogs

14 December 2023

Responding to the latest NHS England monthly performance data and the weekly winter situation reports, Sir Julian Hartley, chief executive at NHS Providers said:

"Trusts' hard work and innovation has helped cut the elective waiting list, providing the glimmer of hope we all needed.

"But there is no room for complacency as we plunge into winter, the hardest time of year for the NHS.

"There are now more people in hospital with seasonal illnesses such as flu, norovirus and Covid-19, piling pressure on already-stretched services.

"Rising staff absences are also worrying. We can't afford for our workforce – grappling with over 121,000 shortages – to diminish further in the face of high demand.

"While ambulance response times have improved slightly, they are still miles off what they should be.

"Average responses to category 2 calls, for illnesses including suspected strokes or heart attacks, are taking 38 minutes instead of the target 18.

"Delays in ambulance handovers have also worsened. It is very concerning to see so many people having to wait so long, sometimes over 12 hours, to be admitted.

"This is symptomatic of pressure across the entire system, including the 13,000 medically fit people who can't leave hospital in part due to the capacity crunch in social care.

"We need adequate funding for services, including in mental health and community settings, to ensure the NHS can get through this winter and beyond.

"With looming strikes also threatening to thwart trusts' progress on backlogs, it's vital the government and unions break the deadlock to resolve their industrial disputes."

You can follow our analysis of the latest winter situation report figures from NHS England through our NHS Winter Watch campaign.