Positive developments on inspections

24 August 2020

Responding to comments by the chief executive of Care Quality Commission (CQC), Ian Trenholm, reported in the Health Service Journal, the director of policy and strategy at NHS Providers, Miriam Deakin, said:

“We welcome CQC’s ambition to move to a more streamlined and less burdensome approach to trust inspections from next month, relying more on offsite monitoring and keeping onsite activity to a minimum.

“We welcome CQC’s ambition to move to a more streamlined and less burdensome approach to trust inspections from next month, relying more on offsite monitoring and keeping onsite activity to a minimum.

Miriam Deakin    

“This is part of a longer term shift to a more risk based approach which we support, although we look forward to seeing more of the details on how this will work in practice.

“For example, trusts will be interested to see what this means for the Provider Information Return which many find unduly burdensome.

“It will be important too that as we move towards a more risk-based approach, we should not see gaps between inspections becoming too long.

“We also think it makes sense to do more provider collaboration reviews, reflecting the reality of the evolving health and care landscape.”