#NHSP17 day one round up

07 November 2017

Day one of our annual conference and exhibition has now come to a close – below is a round-up of the day’s activities. 

Chris Hopson's conference speech

In his speech earlier this morning, chief executive Chris Hopson spoke about leadership and how we should lead the NHS in this increasingly difficult context. You can view his full speech online, an interview with HSJ and a storify summary of his session.

Day one plenary summaries

Jim Mackey reflected on his time as chief executive of NHS Improvement and shared his thoughts on where the provider sector is heading. Take a look at our storify round up.

Our afternoon panel focused on STPs and gathered perspectives from local leaders including Dr Graham Jackson, co-chair of the NHSCC; Sarah Dugan, chief executive of Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust; and Nick Hulme, chief executive of Colchester University NHS Foundation Trust. Read our storify summary.

Journalists and commentators from The Times, the Guardian, ITV News and HSJ explored how pressure on services affects the reputation of the NHS, sharing experiences of reporting from the frontline. View our summary from storify here.

Launch of major new workforce report

Earlier today, we launched a major new report, There for us: a better future for the NHS workforce. Our report provides a comprehensive overview of where the workforce challenges are greatest, how these have developed, and what needs to be done to address them. The report is available online, along with a number of supporting resources

Improving the lives of junior doctors

Our joint report developed with NHS Improvement and the Faculty of Medical Leadership and Management identified eight high-impact actions to improve the working conditions of junior doctors. You can view the report on our website.

Joint guide on accountable care with Hempsons

We also launched a joint guide with Hempsons, our event partner, which identifies seven key steps STPs and their partner organisations should consider to support the evolution to accountable care. The report is available to download online.

What does pressure mean to you?

We spoke to delegates to gather their thoughts on what pressure means to them. Take a look at our video snapshot from day one.

Day two highlights

Our plenary speakers include Rt Hon Jeremy Hunt, secretary of state for health; Simon Stevens, chief executive of NHS England; Claire Murdoch, national mental health director of NHS England; and Professor Sidney Dekker, international safety expert from Griffith University.

We have a range of strand sessions focusing on themes of money, quality and workforce.

In the exhibition we have a number of suppliers looking to support you to deliver high-quality care for patients. And our provider showcase enables trusts to share examples of their innovative work – do take a look if you can.

To stay up-to-date, download our app and follow our #NHSP17 hashtag. We look forward to seeing you tomorrow.