New pay offer for SAS doctors another step closer to resolving damaging pay disputes

18 December 2023

Responding to the government's pay offer for NHS Specialist, Associate Specialist (SAS) and Speciality doctors announced today, the chief executive of NHS Providers, Sir Julian Hartley said:

"Today's welcome announcement takes us one step closer to resolving damaging pay disputes and industrial action which has caused unprecedented disruption over the past year.

"With a three day walkout by junior doctors later this week, and more strike action looming in the new year, leaders across the NHS will be breathing a huge sigh of relief that they won't also have to contend with damaging strike action by SAS doctors in the coming weeks.

"They know though that this isn't a done deal with SAS doctors yet to vote on this offer.

"It's vital that we now see similar progress with junior doctors so that we can draw a line under more industrial action across the NHS."