Vital step towards resolving NHS strikes but still far to go

27 November 2023

Responding to the government's pay offer for consultants, announced today, Sir Julian Hartley, chief executive at NHS Providers said:

"This development is a vital step towards the government and unions resolving the industrial dispute with consultants in the NHS.

"Industrial action has caused unprecedented disruption in the last year. Over 50 strike days have led to 1.2m appointments for planned care being pushed back and cost the NHS an estimated £1.4bn through lost income and staff cover.

"Trust leaders will be hugely relieved that consultants won't be striking over Christmas given that demand for care is always higher in winter.

"But we're not out of the woods yet. The deal needs to be put to a vote by union members and we won't know the result until January.

"It's essential we now see similar progress with junior doctors and speciality and associate specialist doctors to bring an end to all industrial action across the NHS."