More disruption for patients on the way as consultants announce two new strike dates

07 August 2023

Responding to news that British Medical Association consultants in England will strike for two more days on Tuesday 19th and Wednesday 20th September, the director of policy and strategy at NHS Providers, Miriam Deakin said:

"This new round of strike action in September – just weeks after walkouts by junior doctors and consultants in August – will pile the pressure on the NHS and lead to more disruption for patients and trusts.

"Over 835,000 operations and appointments have been delayed since December due to nine months of back-to-back industrial action.

"But the knock-on disruption will be felt for months to come with many more patients not being booked in for appointments during strike days and others having their appointments rescheduled.

"Each wave of strikes sets back efforts to cut record high waiting lists, delays care for patients, and leads to mounting costs for trusts.

"Trust leaders understand the strength of feeling among striking staff. We need the government and unions to find a solution fast, and ideally before the really challenging winter months."