Trusts urge peace talks to stop more doctors' strikes that will ratchet up disruption

26 July 2023

Responding to news of another four-day strike by junior doctors across England from 7am on Friday 11 August to 7am on Tuesday 15 August, the director of policy and strategy at NHS Providers, Miriam Deakin said:

"August strikes by junior doctors as well as consultants will mark the ninth month of industrial action across the NHS. More strikes will be averted only by the government and unions sitting down and talking.

"Patients have seen more than 820,000 routine treatments and appointments put back across the NHS since December due to industrial action which will have a long-lasting effect not just on work to cut waiting lists – a government priority – but already low staff morale.

"With radiographers on strike at some trusts this week, strikes by doctors next month will just ratchet up disruption for trusts and patients. Trusts are very worried about the effect of delayed care on patients, and the mounting, unplanned costs of managing these strike days.

"Trust leaders understand the strength of feeling among striking staff. Every strike is piling more pressure on trusts' capacity and tight budgets, though. We need both sides in the dispute to find a solution fast."