Provider showcase

Why showcasing at annual conference was invaluable to our trust

Anne Forbes profile picture

21 May 2019

Anne Forbes
Programme Director - New Care Models
Devon Partnership NHS Trust

Devon Partnership NHS Trust entered the Provider Showcase and was chosen to exhibit at NHS Providers' annual conference and exhibition. In this blog shares her experience and how it benefited her trust.

What was your Provider Showcase at last year’s annual conference and exhibition?

We are a wave one new care model for tertiary mental health services. We are leading a significant clinically-led programme to transform the way in which adult medium and low secure services across the south west of England are commissioned. We lead a partnership of eight providers - five NHS, independent sector, and one community interest company. Our geography is across 22,000 square km, covering a population of 5 million, and within a budget of £70m. We were able to showcase a number of our achievements at last year’s annual conference, including how we have improved the provision of care closest to home, in the lowest possible level of security.

How did you benefit from being part of the Provider Showcase at annual conference and exhibition?

As an individual, it enabled me to be able to step back and take stock of the progress that our team and partners had achieved - both individually and collectively. It also provided a very useful forum to share our progress and also take learning from other leaders as they visited our showcase stand.

From a trust perspective, this was a very positive experience - to be able to be recognised for its success in being the accountable provider for new care models, leading a partnership of eight providers, along with providing us with future networking opportunities.

What motivated you to apply for the Provider Showcase?

As a wave one new care model, our work is innovative - at scale, and at pace, rather than fitting into a traditional tried and tested approach. The selection process involved objective assessment by an independent panel, which in turn validated our approach and achievement. In an NHS which is experiencing ongoing increases in demand, within significant financial constraints - the motivation arising from being shortlisted to showcase your achievements should not be underestimated.

What learning where you able to take back to you trust?

We were able to translate learning from our fellow provider showcase colleagues who were invaluable in openly sharing their achievements, along with practical resources to take back to our trust.

What advice would you give to other potential showcase applicants?

Share your achievements with pride, whatever size, scale or complexity. The provider showcase provides you with the opportunity to meet and share your work with a wide variety of leaders across the NHS.

Any final thoughts?

Following the successful Provider Showcase we have been able to share our work more widely. We have since showcased at the NHS Confederation, presented nationally and internationally, and won two national awards in 2018 - HSJ value award for mental health services, and the HSJ Innovation award.

About the author

Anne Forbes profile picture

Anne Forbes
Programme Director - New Care Models

Anne is responsible for directing the transformation programme on behalf of South West regional secure services. She has a background in finance, governance and business intelligence and has held various roles as part of executive and senior teams over the past 20 years, within the NHS and commercial sector.