NHS Providers in conversation with Claire Murdoch, 20 March 2025

Date: 20 March 2025

Time: 18:45

Venue: To be confirmed

Register interest


NHS Providers is hosting a private dinner with Claire Murdoch, national director for mental health, NHS England on Thursday, 20 March 2025.



This event is part of our In Conversation with... programme, which offers members the opportunity to have private, informal, honest conversations with key senior stakeholders in the sector at virtual roundtables and in-person dinners. These intimate, member only events are mainly aimed at chairs and chief executives, however we do offer a select number of events to other roles on provider boards. Members can register their interest to attend; however, the final delegate list is strictly by invitation only. All of our roundtables operate under strict Chatham House rule to help facilitate open and frank discussions.

We are now taking expressions of interest for our next private dinner with Claire Murdoch, national director for mental health, NHS England. Venue details will be shared with the shortlisted delegates.


Claire Murdoch will share her views on the challenges and opportunities for mental health trusts and the wider sector in the year ahead. Attendees will have the opportunity to discuss the latest national mental health strategy and policy development underway, in particular the forthcoming 10-year health plan. The evening will also be an opportunity for attendees to help inform national plans to improve community mental health services and implement a reformed Mental Health Act.


Dinner programme: 


This dinner will be hosted by a NHS Providers director and attended by board members from member trusts.

Places are limited so please register your interest by 5pm on Wednesday, 19 February 2025.


Please note this does not confirm your place. We will let you know whether you have a confirmed place by Monday, 24 February 2025. Final details about the event will be sent along with the confirmation.

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