Provider Collaboration: Working with partners at place

This webinar included presentations from two provider collaboratives and covered how they are engaging with their place based partners, what some of the benefits and challenges are, and what difference this is making to the work of their collaborative. 

Chair: Jenny Reindorp, interim director of funded programmes, NHS Providers


Case study 1: University College London Health Alliance

Kate Petts, managing director of the University College London Health Alliance shared her experience of working at place. Listen to Kate's presentation here.  


View the slides.


Case study 2: West Yorkshire Mental Health, Learning Disability and Autism Provider Collaborative

Keir Shillaker, programme director for the collaborative reflected on how they have developed their relationships at place and covered some of the key lessons they have learned so far. Access Keir's presentation here. 

View the slides.

You can access the webinar briefing here.