Governor workshops and networks
Governor virtual workshops
As part of our GovernWell programme, as part of your membership fee we deliver virtual workshops for governors twice a year. These provide the opportunity to:
- gain an overview of the latest news on health policy to help your understanding of the issues being faced by your organisations
- hear an update from the NHS Providers' GovernWell team
- network and share experiences with your fellow governors from across the country in virtual breakout discussions
- re-invigorate thinking to identify, share and apply good practice
- broaden understanding, challenge assumptions and encourage new insights and innovative ways of working.
Upcoming workshops:
Please keep an eye out for future workshop dates.
I've attended a LOT of online training and meetings in the past year, and this was a highlight for me. It was so well put together and delivered, and completely overturned my expectations of NHS Providers, and I felt quite inspired by the end of it. Very well done.
Public governor, Royal University Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust, attended January 2021
Staff governor discussion groups
Following recent feedback from governors, we have introduced shorter, facilitated networking sessions for staff governors.
These provide the opportunity to:
- Share good practice and tips from peers
- Discuss issues in a safe environment
- Develop a positive support network.
Please keep an eye out for future dates. Register your interest for events by contacting the GovernWell team here.
Other governor networks
Please see below for further information on non-NHS Providers' ran networks for governors. Networks which we are currently aware of are:
- South West governors' network
- National Lead governors' association
- Regional Network East Anglia (Lead Governors)
If you organise a network which does not appear on this list please contact