Board development programme: Effective chairing of organisations, February 2025
Date: 07 February 2025
Time: 09:30
Course overview
This three-part training is for new or aspiring chairs in the NHS focused on the chair’s role in chairing an NHS organisation and developing an effective unitary board.
Workshop 1 is a half day module delivered virtually, workshops 2 and 3 are full day workshops delivered face-to-face in London.
The intention is to develop peer network learning within the training cohort, and therefore it is expected that each delegate attends all three workshops as part of the training. By booking on to this event, you are booking to attend each of the three dates within the training. The dates for the next cohort are:
Module 1 – Governance: Friday 7 February 2025, 9.30am - 1.00pm virtual via Zoom
Module 2 – Board and system relationships: Thursday 6 March 2025, 10.00am - 4.00pm face-to-face in Broadway House, Tothill Street, London, SW1H 9NQ
Module 3 –Managing relationships and putting into practice: Friday 7 March 2025, 9.30am - 3.30pm face-to-face in Broadway House, Tothill Street, London, SW1H 9NQ
Who should attend?
New NHS chairs (less than 12 months experience)
Aspiring NHS chairs (within two years of potential appointment).
"Great support form NHS Providers - seamless organisation; and really generous speakers - all experienced, honest and realistic about challenges and how to tackle them"
Attended in 2023
Course objectives
Corporate governance in the UK is based on a separation of powers, with the chief executive leading the management of the organisation and the chair leading the board.
It is the chair’s responsibility to ensure that the membership of the board is equal to the task it faces and to ensure that the board is effective in carrying out its duties - from setting strategy, to overseeing the work of the executive, to triangulating information to confirm assurance. This course will also explore how to get the best from your board in terms of its dynamics and relationships recognising the board is a team. In NHS foundation trusts, the chair also leads the council of governors in examining the performance of the board and in representing the interests of the public.
The course objectives are:
- Review the essentials of chairing including:
- Understanding the roles and responsibilities of an NHS chair and the relationship with the CEO
- Review the roles and responsibilities of a unitary board and its members
- An overview of the essentials of good governance including governance structure, risk management, and effective meetings and agendas.
- Reflections from experienced chairs
- The importance of good board dynamics and relationships in an effective board
- The opportunity to self-assess and reflect on one’s own performance and development areas
- An overview of the NHS integrated care agenda and how the board should interact with systems
- The role and responsibilities of foundation trust governors and their relationships with NEDs
- The chair's role in leading the council of governors
- The opportunity for you to virtually meet and network with peers developing a peer network group.
"An excellent course and am extremely grateful to have been able to have been part of it. We bonded well as a great network of NEDs and new Chairs and I am sure the benefits of these new found friendships will continue."
Virtual course format
This training consists of three workshops. Delegates are expected to attend all three workshops. Workshop 1 will be delivered virtually, and workshops 2 and 3 will be delivered face-to-face in Broadway House, Tothill Street, London, SW1H 9NQ. Please contact us for more information.
How to book
Module cost per delegate (ex VAT) - Member: £935, Non Member: £1,122
Module cost per delegate (incl. VAT) - Member: £1,122, Non Member: £1346.40
This cost is to attend all three parts of the training.
You will need to provide a purchase order number at booking to confirm your place on this course. Card payments are also accepted.
Follow the booking link at the top of this page and create an account if you have not already done so.
Booking on to this event means you are booking on to all three parts of the training.
"The opportunity to explore what it means to be a chair, with others aspiring to be a chair and those that have already attended that role was invaluable."