Oliver Potter is a senior policy officer specialising in workforce. He holds a masters in international relations and his previous experience includes work in the commissioning and management of national clinical audits.

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19 Jul 2024

On the day briefing: UK Covid-19 public inquiry module 1 report

This briefing summarises the key findings and recommendations made by the Inquiry.

17 May 2024

NHS Providers response to the General Medical Council’s consultation on the regulation of physician and anaesthesia associates

Our response to the GMC’s consultation on the proposed rules, standards and guidance for regulating PAs and AAs.

Oliver PotterOliver Potter
28 Mar 2024

NHS Providers submission to the Department of Health and Social Care’s call for evidence on a separate pay spine for nursing

Our submission to the call for evidence on a separate pay spine for nursing.

Oliver PotterOliver Potter
19 Mar 2024

Next day briefing: 2023 Workforce Disability Equality Standard (WDES) report

This briefing outlines the Workforce Disability Equality Standard report’s key findings and NHS Providers’ view.

Oliver PotterOliver Potter
19 Mar 2024

Next day briefing: 2023 Workforce Race Equality Standard (WRES) report

This briefing outlines the Workforce Race Equality Standard report’s key findings and NHS Providers’ view.

Oliver PotterOliver Potter
01 Feb 2024

LGBTQ+ trailblazers in healthcare paving the way for inclusivity in the NHS

In support of LGBT+ History Month, Oliver Potter and Emily Newton shine a spotlight on some of the individuals paving the way for inclusivity in the NHS.

15 Dec 2023

NHS Providers submission to the Senior Salaries Review Body 2024/25 pay round

NHS Providers written submission to the Senior Salaries Review Body 2024/25 pay round

15 Dec 2023

NHS Providers submission to the Review Body on Doctors' and Dentists' Remuneration 2024/25 pay round

NHS Providers written submission to the Review Body on Doctors' and Dentists' Remuneration 2024/25 pay round

15 Dec 2023

NHS Providers submission to the NHS Pay Review Body 2024/25 pay round

NHS Providers written submission to the NHS Pay Review Body 2024/25 pay round

06 Sep 2023

Next Day Briefing: 2022 Workforce Disability Equality Standard (WDES) report

This briefing sets out the key findings from the Workforce Disability Equality Standard report and NHS Providers' view

Oliver PotterOliver Potter
30 Jun 2023

On the Day Briefing: NHS Long-term Workforce Plan

Our briefing on the NHS Long-term Workforce Plan

09 Mar 2023

On the day briefing: NHS Staff Survey results 2022

Our briefing provides a summary of the key national level findings from the 2022 NHS Staff Survey, and sets out NHS Providers view

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