CQC and NHS Improvement consultation on use of resources and well led assessments

NHS Providers welcomes and supports the joint approach the CQC and NHSI are taking to creating a use of resources assessment and that the proposals will be refined and tested over time. We agree it is sensible for NHS Improvement to lead on the rating and assessment of a trust’s use of resources, which has the right expertise to carry out the assessment - much of it overlaps with their remit of overseeing the Single Oversight Framework Use of Resources assessment.

However, our response also notes that more clarity is needed on the process if the CQC does not fully agree with the use of resources assessment made by

NHSI. The consultation also does not make clear why the CQC use of resources assessment needs to have numerous additional core metrics beyond those in the Single Oversight Framework , or why the Single Oversight Framework does not seek to incorporate the additional metrics being proposed in the CQC use of resources assessment.

On the well-led proposals, we believe that it is useful for boards to review their effectiveness as a board annually. However this does not necessarily imply a review against the domains of the well led framework each year.

Download our full response below.
