UK Covid-19 Inquiry public hearings: module 1, week 6 (17-19 July 2023)

The UK Covid-19 Inquiry (the Inquiry) public hearings for module 1 commenced on 13 June 2023 and concluded on 19 July.

This week the Inquiry heard evidence from members of the four national bereaved families groups and from key public figures including Professor Philip Banfield (chair of the British Medical Association’s UK council), Dr Jennifer Dixon (chief executive of the Health Foundation) and Kate Bell (assistant general secretary of the Trades Union Council).

This briefing summarises the proceedings most relevant to NHS trusts, and is the sixth and final in the series of weekly briefings on the Inquiry’s public hearings for module 1. The Inquiry chair plans to publish her report on module 1 in the summer of 2024.

You can see earlier briefings on the preliminary hearings, weekly briefings on the hearings, and a set of frequently asked questions on rule 9 requests we prepared with our legal partners.
