Trusts' hopes for 'first step' Acas olive branch from consultants to government

03 October 2023

Responding to a British Medical Association (BMA) offer to the government to pause further strikes by consultants and go to the independent Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (Acas) for talks in a bid to end the dispute, Sir Julian Hartley, chief executive of NHS Providers, said:

"Trust leaders hope this olive branch from consultants to the government could be a first step to ending disruptive strikes.

"Something has to give. We can't go into another 'full on' winter with the threat of more strikes hanging over the NHS.

"We have said before that we would welcome all sides using an intermediary like Acas if that helps to break the deadlock.

"Care delayed by strikes is putting more patients at greater risk and making it well-nigh impossible for the NHS to reduce growing waiting lists as the government wants."