The NHS' year has been nothing short of remarkable

05 July 2020

Commenting on the 72nd anniversary of the NHS, the chief executive of NHS Providers, Chris Hopson, and deputy chief executive, Saffron Cordery, said:


"The achievements of the NHS this year have been nothing short of remarkable. It has been an extraordinary year in the NHS' history.


The achievements of the NHS this year have been nothing short of remarkable. It has been an extraordinary year in the NHS' history.



"Health and wellbeing has been brought to the forefront of everyone’s minds, and support for the NHS has never been more evident.


"The entire workforce, be they doctors, nurses, paramedics or porters – whatever their role – have gone above and beyond to keep people safe, treating COVID-19 and other urgent health conditions.


"Today, we also remember NHS colleagues working across all sectors – acute, ambulance, mental health and community – who have sadly died due to COVID-19.


"This year the NHS has innovated rapidly, freed up capacity dramatically, and treated record numbers of intensive care patients – all this off the back of a tough and relentless winter.


This year the NHS has innovated rapidly, freed up capacity dramatically, and treated record numbers of intensive care patients – all this off the back of a tough and relentless winter.



"We should celebrate the efforts of everyone who has helped to make our NHS truly great. We have never been prouder to represent trusts delivering care for patients."