Test and Trace must step up to contain increasing COVID-19 cases

22 July 2021

Responding to the latest figures from NHS Test and Trace, the deputy chief executive of NHS Providers, Saffron Cordery, said:

"It is concerning to see a continued increase in the number of people testing positive for COVID-19, with today's figures showing a climb of 33% on the previous week.

"There has been slight progress in the number of positive cases being transferred into the system, but worryingly, this means that over 35,000 people are still not being transferred, and of those that were transferred, well over 20,000 people were not reached. This week has seen a marginal rise in the number of in-person tests being received within 24 hours. But this is still a strikingly low figure compared with previous months.

"With COVID-19 cases refusing to abate, and lockdown restrictions eased in England, it is vitally important for NHS Test and Trace to make rapid improvement and do much more to contain the spread of the virus, if we are to avoid more infections, more hospital admissions and sadly more deaths."