Social care green paper must put health and care on a sustainable footing

24 September 2018


The head of policy at NHS Providers, Amber Jabbal, said:

"This report makes it clear that there is a worrying and growing gap between the future care needs of an ageing population and the staff and resources we will have to meet them.

"The NHS and social care are intertwined. The challenges to recruiting and keeping staff are faced across the entire health and care system. Without adequate funding for social care, we risk intensifying the pressures on both social care and the NHS. 

Without adequate funding for social care, we risk intensifying the pressures on both social care and the NHS.

"We await the government's green paper to address a social care system in crisis, as well as its national workforce strategy to ensure that health and care has the workforce it needs for the future. These opportunities must be grasped with both hands and ensure that we put health and social care on a sustainable footing. If we miss this chance for action, we risk storing up further problems for both health and care services in the future."