NHS Providers: from strength to strength

19 May 2022

The chief executive of NHS Providers, Chris Hopson, is leaving after nearly a decade in the role to become chief strategy officer at NHS England and NHS Improvement.

Saffron Cordery who, as deputy chief executive, has worked in close partnership with Chris to lead NHS Providers, will take over as interim chief executive while the board determines the process for a permanent appointment.

Over the last 10 years Chris, Saffron and the NHS Providers team, have created an outstanding membership organisation for NHS foundation trusts and trusts. NHS Providers has had every NHS hospital, mental health, community and ambulance service trust in England in voluntary membership for four years in a row. In the latest member survey, 96% of our members were very satisfied or satisfied with NHS Providers' work.

Commenting, the chair of NHS Providers, Sir Ron Kerr, said:

"Chris has been an outstanding leader of NHS Providers and one of his important achievements has been to create a robust succession strategy. He and Saffron have led the organisation in partnership over the last few years and, together, they have created a highly effective wider senior leadership, and broader staff, team. We thank Chris for all he has done, wish him well and look forward to working with him in his new role." 

The interim chief executive of NHS Providers, Saffron Cordery, said:

"I am excited to take the reins at a vital time for trusts and the wider NHS, when our work will be more important than ever given the huge pressures facing the service and the rapidly changing environment in which we are all operating. In particular, I am keen to build on our successful track record and ensure that every part of the provider family is in the strongest place to contribute to overcoming these challenges. I look forward to growing our voice, influence and support on behalf of members and continuing our important work on behalf of patients, their families and communities."

Chris Hopson said:

"I'm incredibly proud to have helped create such a successful organisation, working closely with Saffron. NHS Providers has a great chair, a strong elected board and an outstanding director and staff team. They will take NHS Providers to the next stage of its development as the voice of providers working in systems. I look forward to working closely with them as I take up this exciting new opportunity."

Chris will leave NHS Providers on Friday 10 June 2022, at which point Saffron will become interim chief executive.