MPs lay bare mounting mental health services pressure and staff shortages

21 July 2023

In response to a report by MPs on the Public Accounts Committee about a 'vicious cycle' of staff shortages holding back mental health services, Saffron Cordery, deputy chief executive of NHS Providers, said:

"With more than 1.8 million people on the waiting list for overstretched and understaffed mental health services, trusts are deeply concerned about levels of unmet need, particularly for children and young people.

"More capital investment is vital for mental health services to increase capacity in the face of growing demand and to overhaul outdated buildings and facilities to give patients the therapeutic environments and high-quality care they need.

"We also need the right levels of long-term investment in and support for prevention and early intervention services to help tackle growing demand and inequalities.

"Despite the sector's best efforts to make progress, too few staff and resources are, as the committee says, holding it back."