Latest staff absences data remains deeply concerning

11 February 2021

Responding to the latest staff sickness absence figures, published by NHS England and NHS Improvement, the chief executive of NHS Providers, Chris Hopson said:

"The number of staff absences due to sickness or self-isolation remains deeply concerning.

"Across England, the latest data shows that nearly 92,000 NHS staff were absent from work with almost 45% linked to COVID-19 related sickness or self-isolation on 3 February. This means the number of COVID-19 related absences is nearly 7% higher than the previous month’s figure.

"As well as the devastating toll this pandemic is taking on staff, these absences are also having a significant knock-on effect across the NHS, which is grappling with the pandemic, winter pressures and the delivery of a major vaccination programme.

"Trusts are working closely with local partners to fill immediate workforce gaps, and to support the health and wellbeing of staff who are able to work.

"We know the vaccination programme will in time reduce staff absences and the risks from exposure of frontline staff to the virus.

"There are signs that COVID-19 related staff sickness is starting to reduce from the highest point in this wave on 14 January.

"But in the longer term, the NHS needs a fully funded, agreed, workforce plan that delivers the increases in long term workforce numbers that are urgently required."