Race Equality: Spotlight on... The RACE Equality Code, October 2022
Race Equality webinar, held on 25 October 2022.
Our “Spotlight on…” series showcases interventions to support members implementing antiracism work within their organisations. This event on The RACE Equality Code covered:
- the concept of The RACE Equality Code, which is based on existing research (including the Macgregor Smith review, Parker review) and practice within the NHS (including the Workforce Race Equality Standard)
- examples of good practice and how The RACE Equality Code has been implemented in trusts
- actions being taken within trusts, for example a zero tolerance antiracism campaign, the implementation of cultural ambassadors, and departmental deep dives to ensure conversations are happening in every area of the trust.
Find the presentation slides here.
For more information on the RACE Equality Code, please see here.
Chair: Dalwardin Babu OBE, chair of the Seacole Group & non-executive director, Camden and Islington Mental Health Trust
Dr Karl George MBE, partner, RSM UK Consulting LLP
Junior Hemans, non-executive director, The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust and Walsall Healthcare NHS & chair of Workforce committee and Seacole Group member