Provider collaboratives: Improving equitably - Improving access: The value of a data driven approach
A Provider collaboratives: Improving equitably peer learning event, held on Wednesday 13 September 2023.
- Penny Pereira, managing director, Q Community
- Kate Cheema, director of evaluation and insights, UCL Partners and also a Q Member
- Mark Liddington, medical director for planned care, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
- Jack Dunne, senior data analyst, NHS West Yorkshire and Harrogate Health and Care Partnership
Hear Kate Cheema share her perspective on the importance of the data-decision interface and the role that analysts and decision makers play in good decision making.
Hear Jack Dunne talk about how West Yorkshire Alliance of Acute Trusts (WYAAT) have developed a uniformed view of data across seven trusts which allows their elective recovery group to surface differences as well as best practice.
Hear Mark Liddington provide an overview on WYAAT, their culture and ethos of providing mutual aid, the elective coordination groups approach to addressing long waiters and some of the technological barriers preventing progress in tackling health inequalities.