Izzy supports our members and the wider team in relation to governance. She brings over 10 years experience in corporate governance from a provider trust, and holds a background in communications and engagement in the charity sector. She works closely with members to inform and develop our policy, guidance and training, while providing nuanced, practical and proportionate advice to members.

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26 Jul 2024

On the day briefing: Review into the operational effectiveness of the Care Quality Commission

This On the day briefing sets out an overview of Dr Dash’s interim findings into the operational effectiveness of the Care Quality Commission.

23 May 2024

Briefing: pre-election period considerations for NHS trusts and foundation trusts

This briefing sets out considerations for NHS foundation trusts and trusts in the period of time leading up to the 2024 general election on 4 July.

10 May 2024

Briefing: New HFMA NHS audit committee handbook following changes

Our short NHS Providers briefing sets out an overview of the NHS audit committee handbook highlighting the key changes.

Izzy AllenIzzy Allen
09 Jan 2024

On the day briefing: Secretary of state intervention powers in the reconfiguration of NHS services

This briefing sets out the key areas NHS trusts and foundation trusts should be aware of from 31 January 2024.

Izzy AllenIzzy Allen
28 Nov 2023

NHS non-executive director remuneration and morale

The briefing draws on NHS Providers survey responses and discussions with leaders from member trusts and foundation trusts. It is intended to support NHSE’s work on NED and chair remuneration.

27 May 2022

Consultation on the new draft Code of governance for NHS provider trusts

This briefing provides an overview of the code and its requirements, with a focus on what’s new or different, and includes brief summaries of its general provisions.

27 May 2022

Consultation on draft Addendum to your statutory duties – reference guide for NHS foundation trust governors

This briefing summarises the content of the proposed addendum, and provides NHS Providers’ view.