NHS Providers responds to BMA consultants' potential strike dates

07 June 2023

Responding to the British Medical Association (BMA) announcement today that hospital consultants in England will go on strike on 20 and 21 July if their ballot, which closes at the end of June, is successful, and talks between the government and the union do not transpire, Sir Julian Hartley, chief executive at NHS Providers said:

"The threat of more strikes for an overstretched NHS in the coming weeks will ring alarm bells for trust leaders up and down the country.

"The proposed dates next month follow the junior doctors' planned three-day walkout next week, which means trusts will have little time to recover between the two.

"Although all emergency services would still be provided during this walkout, inevitably, routine services would need to be put on hold, causing further disruption to patient care.

"We understand why hospital consultants feel they've been pushed to take this action, including the need for a pay rise in line with inflation.

"Trust leaders will do everything in their power to mitigate against the impact of these strikes on patients as providing safe, high-quality care remains their top priority. 

"But with more BMA junior doctor strikes also on the horizon, this looks to be a very challenging summer for the NHS.

"The only way to resolve these ongoing disputes is for both sides – the unions and the government – to sit down and talk about pay as soon as possible, and in good faith."