1. Almost nine in 10 trust leaders (89%) said they were extremely concerned about the impact of seasonal pressures over winter on their trust and local area.
  2. Most respondents (85%) agreed or strongly agreed they were more concerned about winter 2022/23 than any previous winter during their NHS career.
  3. Trust leaders highlighted strategies to prepare for winter such as partnership working, supporting staff wellbeing including cost of living initiatives, and recruitment to boost capacity.
  4. Most (86%) trust leaders were very worried or worried about their trusts having the capacity to meet demand for services over the next 12 months.
  5. Just under half (48%) of trust leaders rated the current quality of healthcare provided by their local area as currently very high or high. Less than one third (30%) predicted that the quality of healthcare provided in the coming two years would be very high or high.
  6. Almost four in five trust leaders (77%) were very worried or worried about their trust having the right numbers, quality and mix of staff to deliver high quality healthcare currently.
  7. Almost all (93%) trust leaders were extremely or moderately concerned about the current level of burnout across the workforce, and eight in 10 (80%) were extremely or moderately concerned about workforce morale.
  8. Nearly half (46%) of trust leaders strongly agreed or agreed they were on track to meet the key elective recovery and cancer targets by the end of the financial year.
  9. The vast majority (94%) of leaders were very worried or worried about whether sufficient national investment is being made in social care in their local area.
  10. Over four in five (85%) trust leaders were very unconfident or unconfident that their integrated care boards (ICB(s)) allocations will account for additional in-year cost since the start of 2022/23.
  11. Over three quarters of respondents (76%) said that the establishment of statutory integrated care systems (ICSs) was enabling more effective collaboration and joint working between their trusts and other trusts.
  12. When asked about the top three biggest challenges facing their ICS(s), trust leaders cited: workforce shortages, social care capacity and insufficient revenue funding.