Item 1

Saffron Cordery

Deputy chief executive
NHS Providers

Welcome to the fifth publication in our Provider voices series, in which we highlight the views of senior leaders on the key issues facing the NHS today. We hope the series will make a valuable contribution to discussions on how health and care services can respond to challenges ahead and how the NHS can implement its new long term plan effectively.

Our topic in this publication is Specialised services: transforming delivery for patients. The NHS landscape is evolving quickly. Specialised services have a key role to play in helping to deliver the ambitions of the long term plan. They are well placed to lead the changes in patient care on many fronts, for example in supporting innovation, deploying new treatments and harnessing digital technology. Yet there are also particular challenges in adapting to new system structures and commissioning arrangements.

We have interviewed eight leaders who bring a range of perspectives on the challenges and opportunities facing specialised services. They include views from trusts operating in the acute and mental health sectors, a commissioner, a clinician and a leading charity speaking on behalf of patients. They all share a common goal, which is to deliver high-quality care for patients and service users.

We are grateful to the leaders who took the time to contribute to this publication and we would like to thank Helen Crump for carrying out the interviews.

Saffron Cordery
Deputy Chief Executive, NHS Providers