The term 'break glass' is now used all around the Southwest region as the intervention has become embedded and part of business as usual through North Bristol NHS Trust's (NBT) normal escalation plan.

NBT are part of the South West Provider Collaboration and have been working with their system partners in reducing the use of agency shifts and achieving the new NHS England capped agency rate. To achieve this, they have been slowly lowering the 'break glass' rate so that it doesn't become disproportionate to the capped agency rate. They are also working with their system partners on a collaborative bank which will allow them to access each other's bank staff using more streamlined recruitment processes.

NBT are also looking at how they develop their own bank of registered mental health nurses who they can deploy in their own organisation rather than using bank staff. They are also working on a bank optimisation programme which will cover how they attract, recruit and value bank staff.

