CQC regulatory fees from April 2016: consultation response

The CQC consulted on options for the fees it will charge to providers in 2016/17 and beyond. The CQC asked for feedback in particular on whether it should move to a position of full chargeable cost recovery through fees over two or four years.

The key points in our response are:

Separately, the Department of Health is consulting on bringing the CQC’s comprehensive inspection model within the scope of its fee raising power. The CQC is currently only able to charge fees for those elements of its model which relate to registration against minimum standards. This excludes looking at the quality of care above and beyond the level required for registration, including awarding ratings. The consultation proposes to extend the regulator’s fee raising powers to cover the full comprehensive inspection regime. NHS Providers will be responding and you can contribute to our response by contacting Martha Everett.
